Wednesday, 31 January 2018

A new chapter of The Lust World

Following on from yesterday's new episode of the Chronicles of Triple P I have posted a new Chapter of The Lust World here.

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

The Chronicles of Triple P: The Day after the Ball

I have posted another new episode of The Chronicles of Triple P here.  This is the longest Chronicle by far, some 25% longer than the next longest, but only covers one day.  This is because I has a lot of  of contemporaneous material to draw on.  This included a five page entry in my journal, a draft letter I wrote to A about it but, wisely, never sent, a letter back from a friend at Cambridge responding to a letter from me where we discussed girls in some biological detail (he had just done It for the first time),  a half completed short story I wrote that summer based almost entirely on that day and a long letter H wrote to K, which she showed me recently.  K told me that she was enjoying my reminiscences but not necessarily all the stuff about 'fluids'. A typical K comment!

The rather unexciting photograph at the top of this chapter (and this post) was the view from the fire door to the corridor my room was on in the first year down the staircase.  Most of the pictures I use I took at the time but at this point I had yet to get a proper SLR camera and, sadly, never took a picture of my rooms in the first year.  I took this one last summer, when back for my College gaudy but it hasn't changed at all apart from the domed light, which I think is new.  Above is the opposite view looking up to the door to the corridor where my room was.

This was the paved area outside the entrance to my staircase, which was formed from a group of eighteenth century houses on the High Street.  It was at the furthest corner of college from the entrance and many people at College never ventured there.  It was a rather dirty white when I was there not this rather tasteful green colour.  Up on the first floor, in the centre of the picture, is the room K and I had for the College gaudy.

In this view, looking down from the open window above the door in the picture immediately above, is the paved area between my staircase and the modern one of C and K on the left.  The arch on the right takes you past the organ scholar's room, through to the quad, which you crossed to get to the law library, the nice bathroom and H's room